Thursday, September 16, 2010


The poem begins with the speaker talking about what she likes to do in the winter. I got a sense that the speaker was grumpy and on edge. In the winter, people are more moody because the weather is cold and people are irritable. They are ready for warm weather and flowers and spring. The speaker mentions her cat and describes him as a "black fur sausage with yellow Houdini eyes...". She has to like cats to have one as a pet so this is where I got a sense of her moodiness. He wants her to get out of bed to give him attention, but she wants to eat french fries and watch hockey. By the end of the poem, the speaker seems to get agitated and says, "Off my face! You're the life principle, more or less, so get going on a little optimism around here. Get rid of death. Celebrate increase. Make it spring." She is fed up with staying in bed all the time and she wants to get up and do something with her life. She wants winter to be over and spring to come.

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