Thursday, December 16, 2010

Miss Brill

If I made "Miss Brill" into a movie, I would make the story about her every day life. When I read the story, I had the impression she forgot about her age and envisioned herself as young. The story would be about an elderly woman, but the audience would not find out until the very end when the young couple say cruel things about her. It would follow her life and begin with her getting out her fur, because I think that the fur is an important detail. She would then go to listen to her outdoor concert and this is where she meets her lover. The story will focus on how they met and what happened to their relationship. She does not end up marrying him because he leaves her. After he leaves, she is lonely and continues going to the concerts and watches people. Then at the end, she goes back home and looks in the mirror and she is old.

Point of View
Miss Brill is the main character and it would follow her life. The world would be shown through her eyes, until the very end. She will be reliving her past and she will look as she did when she was young, because that is the way she sees herself. At the end of the movie, the audience will find out that she is not young, she is old. Miss Brill is naive and possesses an innocence that will be conveyed through her relationship with her lover. He is not the best person for her, but she only sees what she wants to see.

I imagined the story taking place during the early 1900's so the movie will take place during that time. The young Miss Brill would have been young in the 1920's so when she is older, the year would be in the 1980's. She sees the world as it was in the 1920's though. She was happy then. She was young and in love. The town she lived in was fairly small, but when she is older, the town expanded and modernized. She is not happy with the modernized town and longs for simpler times.

Miss Brill is naive and does not see the world for the way it is. She misses her youth and is in denial of her true age. She was emotionally scarred by her love affair that ended badly and never loved again. She could not move on with her life and lived for the past. She is a lonely elderly lady. Deep down inside, she knows the truth that she has aged and she cannot live her past again. She hoped for love again, but could never bring herself to get close to anyone again. She tries to forget her lover left her, but she cannot forget him.

The theme of the movie would be live for the present, not the past. So many people live for the past and they never move forward in their lives. People who live in the past cannot appreciate whatever is happening then. They miss so much and fail to enjoy their lives. Miss Brill is stuck in the past and cannot move on with her life. She dwells on the negative event in her life and her life stopped because of it. She was not happy with her life and never tried to get past her problems. She should have addressed the problem so she could start the lengthy process of recovery.

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