Thursday, April 21, 2011

Frankenstein-character similarities

"Seek happiness in tranquility, and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries" (pg 162). Walton and Victor shared many similarities. They were both ambitious and their expeditions did not go as planned. Victor created a terrible monster and Walton ventured into the uninhabitable north pole and failed. He had to return and he wasted many months sailing on a pointless journey.Victor's life was haunted by his creation and he died very young. Walton will always be affected by his journey. he knows the terrible things the monster did and that the monster might still be alive. Walton and the monster also had some similarities. The monster was terribly lonely and wanted a friend, but he could not find a friend because everyone was scared of him. Walton wanted a friend and found Victor, but Victor died.

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