Thursday, January 20, 2011


In this play, Iago is the villain. He is the evil character that plots against the 'good guy' to meet a selfish desire. He wanted to be lieutenant, but he was denied this position. He made sure Cassio was no longer in the good grace of Othello. Iago heard a rumor that Othello slept with his wife, so he is making Othello suspicious of Desdemona's fidelity (I.iii.367-368). I like Iago's character. He is cunning and wise. He knows how to turn people against each other without them realizing who caused them to act that way. "He's a king mixer" and will do anything to get what he wants (A Hard Day's Night). Iago has gotten away with his deceit for a long time and no one suspects him.

1 comment:

  1. do you typically like the bad guys? Or is Iago as exception?
