Thursday, January 27, 2011

Question #6

The stage directions in Act IV are extremely important. Iago tells Othello that he will talk to Cassio about Desdemona but he really talks to Cassio about Bianca. He tricks Othello and he becomes angry because he believes in Desdemona's infidelity. The stage directions are important because Othello is hiding as Iago talks to Cassio. If the reader missed the stage direction, (OTHELLO retires), there would be a great deal of confusion because Othello is talking out loud to himself (IV.i.90). He speaks his feelings as Iago and Cassio talk and it would be confusing to think that Othello was contributing to the conversation and the other characters were ignoring him. Many characters also leave and then return and it is important to note which characters are present and which are not. It is important for the reader to see which characters are present in a scene to understand which characters know certain information.

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